Fraxel Dual Laser

BV Derm provides the Fraxel Dual laser technology for skin resurfacing. Our patients seek Fraxel treatments for many reasons, including:

  • Smooths out wrinkles and rough, bumpy scars (raised or pitted)
  • Fades age spots
  • Addresses photo damage, melasma, and other pigmentation issues
  • Shrinks pore size
  • Improves overall skin tone and texture.

At BV Derm, we offer the Fraxel re:store Dual 1550/1927 technology, a strong, non-ablative laser that offers significant rejuvenation for mild to severe skin damage.

How Does it Work?

The Fraxel laser emits energy in a grid of microscopic columns on the skin, to stimulate the skin’s natural regenerative process.

What Can I Expect?

You will feel mild to moderate discomfort during your Fraxel laser treatments, and we provide pain management techniques including applying a topical numbing agent one hour prior to treatment. During treatment, you can expect to feel is a warm, prickling sensation that most patients deem tolerable. Additionally, we apply an air-cooling device to alleviate discomfort. Once complete, your skin will feel as if you have a mild sunburn) for up to 24 hours.

Side Effects?

In the first few days following a Fraxel treament, your skin may be very red with some mild swelling. You will experience mild to moderate skin peeling over the next five days or so, as damaged skin is naturally sloughed off. Less common side effects include temporary bruising or slight blistering at the treatment site, which usually fade within 2 weeks.

Number of Treatments?

In many cases, a single Fraxel treatment will meet your goals. Depending upon what you’re seeking, we may recommend several treatments spaced three to eight weeks apart.


You will see both immediate and gradual results. Within a few days, your skin will feel smoother and appear brighter and more even-toned. Over the next three to six months, you will see a softening of fine lines and wrinkles, as well as clearing or mellowing of age spots and sun discoloration.

Interested in the Fraxel Dual Laser?

If you are interested in the Fraxel Dual Laser treatment, come and see us. To get started, you can schedule an appointment right away or schedule a no-cost consultation with one of our Aestheticians. Contact us at (303) 604-1444.

Learn more at

Is Fraxel Right for You?

Fraxel is ideal for both men and women who want to smooth out wrinkles and rough scars, fade pigmentation issues, and generally improve overall skin tone and texture. Is is best suited for treating larger areas, such as your entire face, hands, chest, or patches of stretch marks on your body. Fraxel is not ideal for spot skin treatments. BV Derm also offers Vbeam laser technology for targeting pigmentation. We can help you determine the best rejuvenation options for your skin. Begin by scheduling a consultation with one of our Aestheticians.
(303) 604-1444

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